Saturday, July 18, 2009

Yay! for sleep.

Well, last night I conquered the insomnia. I slept. I went to bed around 9:45 and just closed my eyes, and the next thing I remember was Lucy squirming. It was 1 am. I was so happy, I jumped up, got her and fed her her bottle. It was amazing.!!!
My sister, Alicia, had recommended melatonin, but I forgot to get some yesterday. I was just happy that I was able to sleep, but most importantly, happy that other people were having the same issue and were able to recommend some natural herb remedy. I didn't want to have to take any medicine every night, but this is an herb, and is said to be non habit forming. It is just something that your body needs, and it helps your body relax and fall asleep.
It was so blasted hot yesterday, but I ventured to the gym. I can't let heat, or cold, or rain, or kids get in the way of my time at the gym. Those excuses are what got me to this wretched weight in the first place. I am happy to say that today I will be wearing a cute red skirt that I haven't been able to wear comfortably in quite some time. I am also excited to get all the clothes out that have been stored away in the garage. I don't need to buy stuff, I just need to wash all the stored clothes. Results, although small, are still results that make the goal ahead seem more reachable.

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