Thursday, July 16, 2009


Oh, don't you just hate when you get a stupid song stuck in your head, and it literally keeps you up all night. Well, that is where I sit right now. Stinking Black Eyed Peas. Anyway!
Today, was funny. Lucy woke up at her usual time, (when daddy leaves for work) but this time she did not go back to sleep. So, time to start my day. Well, at 9am we were watching a cartoon, I was feeding Lucy a bottle, and that was the last thing I remember. 55 minutes later, Emmah, was tapping on my leg asking for a snack. I looked at the time, and could not believe that I dozed off. It felt nice, but it was a sluggish way to really start.
My workout was fabulous. What is it about a good sweat? I mean I am talking about the beads running down your face, throat dry, and yes, even the boob sweat. It was amazing. I love this bootcamp on Thursdays, I am really starting to see small results. In fact, yesterday I wore a pair of shorts that had been hiding out since Bosston was born. It is a new sense of freedom for me. Nick is doing amazing too. He is gung ho on his bike, and it is going to be time to go shopping for him. I love my husband, and the support we give each other.
Okay, I thought the computer screen would make me sleepy, but it is not working. I will try something else. But you know, as soon as I fall asleep, my dear, sweet Lucy will wake up. Tomorrow, I have things to do, so I need to be able to function. Sleep come... enter Sandman....

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