Friday, February 26, 2010


Oh, I am telling you, sometimes, I just want to scream. Why is it that, no matter if I Nick is around or not, the kids ALWAYS call my name first.
"Mom, I need something to eat!" "Mom, I don't know what to wear!" "Mom, where are the coloring crayons, and can we watch a movie?"
Uh, hello, your father is right there, ask him. Can't you all see that I am right in the middle of sorting, starting, and folding laundry, not mention doing the dishes, while sweeping the floor, working or school spirit stuff for next week, so you can all show how much spirit your mom still has, and yes, I have already worked out with the biggest loser for an hour this morning.

WHY WHY WHY? I just don't get it. And there Nick sits, watching the stupid olympic coverage. I can not wait for these dumb games to be over. Call me unpatriotic, but really, I know there are better things or at least more things worth MY time to be covering.
My time, what is that? Yes, I have a great husband, don't get me wrong, but I think he takes his "DAYS OFF" a little too seriously.

just venting, no worries, we are still madly in love, we just all have those days, and I feel, it is going to be one of the weekends... not mention, I feel rather fat today too.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

I need a little ME time

Holy toledo, it has been a really long time since this blog felt some love. Nonetheless, I find myself so wrapped in being a mom and a wife, that I forget that I can be just ME. I can't even begin to update or to catch up, so we can just say scratch it and start anew.
I can not believe that I have been married for nine years, and coming up in October, our oldest son will be baptized. Am I getting old, or what? For pictures, you can just check our family blog. I am going to try and just let this be a place to express myself in words, and not photos.
I am feeling a little sluggish. Maybe it is the weather lately, or the never ending list of "to do's" but I just can't seem to shake it. I had been working out pretty faithfully, but as of about two weeks ago, (while doing lunges) my knee just -I don't know how to explain- but just started hurting really bad, and now, everytime I get into my workouts, it does it again. It hurts bad, and I am usually one to work through the pain, but this I can't. So, I am at a crossroads. I could go to the doctor, brace it, or try something new. Nick says all of the above, but I HATE going to the doctor. I am done having babies, so I am done going to the doctor:)
I was thinking karate.... water riding.... something that I HAVE to love though, or I will just stop doing it and get fat. I was really just starting to enjoy running too, and now, I am taking a break, that's right a break. I don't want to give it up yet, so until I get my knee checked out, we are on a break. (I know most of you are hearing Ross Gellar screaming that to Rachel Green.. that's okay that is what I am thinking too)
Okay, motherly duties, and hungry tummies are calling my name....
To my readers, I bid you good night and happy blogging Heidi