Friday, August 7, 2009

My weekend with Lucy

So, this is my personal blog, and I am a woman, so yes, some personal female things might come to pass on this blog, so husbands beware!!! You might have already read our family blog, and saw that my grandpa passed away. Well, let me tell you about the flight there.
I decided to fly just one way, and then drive back with my brother and his fam. The flight itself went great. Security and check in, I sailed through, so then I just had to sit and wait. Lucy fell asleep in the terminal, and overall, she flew just fine. She is a pro at flying, considering, all of our flying for my reunion. Anyway, the flight to SLC is so easy. You are up then down. Well, little did I know, Mother Nature had a different plan for me.
Think about ladies. Yep, that's right. She has come for a visit. Now, this is my first visit since I got pregnant with Lucy, so it really is like starting all over again for me. I felt no signs of her arrival until I was exiting the plane, and there she was. No, remember, I am flying alone with just Lucy in a front pack carrier, and to top it all off, I was wearing khaki shorts. Mortified, I RUN to the bathroom, and with Lucy still strapped on, I see what I knew was coming. This has NEVER happened to me in all my years of "womanhood." Luckily, I was prepared. But still, I am wearing khakis, and yes, I leaked.
Again, what do I do? I wrapped Lucy's small blanket around the front of my shorts and just book it to baggage claim. My aunt Becky was waiting to pick me up, and the sooner I can take care of this, the better. I just hope that Lucy 's legs covered it as much as possible, before the blanket took it's grand role for the day. I get to Becky's, change my clothes, and go on with My weekend with Lucy.
How embarrassing is that ladies?


  1. Oh no, that would be totally embarrassing! :( I'm so sorry to hear about that! That happened to me once in high school. I was at Megan Cagle's house when it happened, and I had to borrow a change of her clothes. Isn't being a woman just so wonderful sometimes?!?! haha :)

  2. Oh nooo...that happened to me once in high school, too, but it was the last class of the day and I had to change for cheerleading practice anyway (thank goodness). Soo embarrassing! I'm sure no one saw anything, though. How funny. Oh, being a woman. Such a joyride. :)
