Friday, August 27, 2010

turning 29

My birthday is coming in a few weeks... September 9, for those who couldn't remember. I am always excited for my birthday. Just like a little kid, I get the anxious nerves the night before, and I always seem to have a smile on my face the whole day. Even a few years back, I was pregnant with Lucy, still sick too, and on my birthday, I got to drive into Portland to have three stitches taken out of Bosston's forehead. I was irritated that it was so simple, and that I could've easily done it myself, but nonetheless, I smiled.
Nick has always done really well on my birthdays:
19th: took a goldfish cracker carton, and placed a simple, yet pretty, tennis bracelet in the carton...
20th: awesome directors chair, red suede jacket
21st: birthstone ring
22nd: bike
23rd: day at the spa
24th: makeover day: new haircut and some new clothes
25th: money, always a good gift
26th: day to myself
27th: new camera
28th: cake decorating classes
So, he is very thoughtful, and he listens. He knows me!!!
So, now that it is only a few weeks away, I wonder what he has up his sleeve.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Lucy, please don't touch

So, last night I was in the middle of typing a blog, when my dear sweet Lucy walked over and hit the Esc key. Yep, you guessed it, the entire blog GONE. So, with frustration, I closed the blog, and now here I am. I creatively titled this post, Lucy, please don't touch. I find myself saying that a lot, especially, when I am blogging. You would think I would've learned and that I would just not blog while she is awake, but I still do... She is the one that needs to learn.
So, the summer is quickly fading, and this brings happy and sad emotions. Happy, because that means school, and routine, and then sad for the very same reasons. I have loved this summer so much. We had a great vacation, I went to girls camp, had my sister come and stay, swam with my kids, ate free lunch at the school, spent Fridays with Nick, and all in all had a great summer.
The kids took their training wheels off, Bosston is using the toilet, Lucy is getting crazier by the second, and we just keep moving and moving. I went to the doctor the other day. Blah, sometimes, once a year, it really stinks being a girl. I also had the doctor check my left breast. Again, this is my blog, so yeah, I am putting it all out there. I hadn't felt anything out of the ordinary, but I had been experiencing some pain, and to me, it just seemed larger. For women who are busty, they just hurt sometimes, but this was a different kind of pain. I wish I was one of those ladies who "bought" boobs, but for me, sadly, even at a young age, I have been cursed, and four babies later, these puppies are nothing but a bother. So, pretty much the doctor told me to buy a really good bra, and follow up in 6 weeks. Okay... so, I went to find a bra and it just erks me to no end how it is so hard to find full figured bras, and why or why can't there be two of the same. I did find one, an Olga brand, on sale too! I just wish they would've had another so I could have two really good bras, so I am still on the lookout. If anyone has any suggestions of bras they have used and loved, please let me... especially if you are busty.
So, also this weekend, we headed up to Seattle. My friends, Holly and Bryce live up there, and we finally got together. It was good to see them. Seattle is pretty, but dirty. Portland is much cleaner and just more earth friendly. I love being "green" and Portland is very "green" This I must put in this blog.
Okay, last summer, I went to my 10 year high school reunion, and had a great time. I just have to say to my readers, I got death stares from some spouses. Ask any of my gal pals from high school, and they will tell you that I was just a fun person. I flirted with EVERYONE, and I just loved to be the center of attention. I had some crushes: Bob West, Dan Wells, Nick Reid, just to name a few, oh wait, James Patrick Carson III also. So, at the reunion, I caught up with all but Dan. Bob's girlfriend at the time could probably literally kill me... but she watched my like a hawk. HELLO, happily married and for crying out loud I had Lucy with me. Anyway, so this brings me to this weekend. Bryce's wife, super nice and cute gal, just kept watching Bryce and I as we talked. Bryce and I go way back, and there never was an attraction there. We were a puzzle, and we fit perfectly, but dating wise, not really. He dated some good friends of mine, and I just didn't want to play that FRIENDS game. He is still very dear to me, but come on, have some faith and trust in your spouse. It just made me laugh. He has a really cute daughter, and they have done really well.
I just had to put that there.
Ladies, I love you as readers, and as friends. Thank you and happy reading.