Monday, March 29, 2010
I was deeply hurt and betrayed today, and while this was happening to me, someone else was getting hurt too. I am so sorry for what I said, and who I said it to. Sometimes we just need a place to vent and that is where it should stay right? I was hurt and I hurt someone too and that is what makes me feel horrible. I am a nice person, but sometimes we just have moments of anger, jealousy and all the other evil emotions that come with it. We are human, we make mistakes, and we should forgive when those mistakes are made. This was such a crappy day, and I guess from now on, I will keep my "crappiness" to myself. This sucks so freaking bad too. oh, I am so angry right now, and I don't like feeling like this. I just want to go back and erase this. Not to many things in my book qualify for a do over, but this is one of them. Please forgive me, I am so sorry. +
Saturday, March 6, 2010
it just keeps coming
So, yesterday was a whirlwind. The day started off at the usual time, blah, but just got crazy after that. I have found that in my life, we use the word CRAZY a lot. Anyway, yesterday was the last day of Spirit week. Check our family blog soon! I had signed up to be a volunteer at the FUN RUN, and my start time was 8 o'clock. No big deal right? Well, I thought I would be the nice wife, and have everyone and everything ready for the day, so Nick could just come up to watch the kids run, and just enjoy his time home with the two younger ones. So, I got Dasher up and off to school, myself showered, dressed and fixed up cute in my "jogging" clothes (it is a fun run) Lucy fed, and dressed with hair fixed, Bosston put together, and Emmah ready for the day with back pack and snack ready. This was a feat, because she is usaully asleep until about 8:30 and by now it is only 7:20!!!! (she was grumpy, but then again, what's new?)
So, I had to be there at 8:00 and Dasher's class was set to race at 8:20, and all Nick had to do was get himself ready. Aren't I the best wife ever? I really do try to make things run smoothly on his days off, and I try not to "nag" so much. In our nine years of marriage, I have found that if you just do your part without nagging, our men do get a clue and appreciate us when were gone. Okay, on with my day. TEN ROUNDS of the same songs, and marking tally's for the kids laps, I was exhausted. My head was hurting, my hands were aching from clapping so much, but I was done. I had just "volunteered" 8 hours of my beautiful sunny Friday, to my kids' school. I could've gone for a ride, or a run, or worked in my yard, but I chose to "give back" to McBride!! This is really a great school, and I proud to be a part of it. So many of the schools are failing right now with curriculum, funds and lack of support, but I know McBride is doing the best for our children right now. I am proud to have my kids go there, and I look forward to next year!!!
So, with my exercising. I counted the number of times I jogged with the kids and not mention the fun trip last night to Home Depot. I was super excited about that. We got this awesome shelf for our food storage, totes for food to go in, paint for our porch, and new rug for our front step, and Nick got this new screwdriver. It feels good to be prepared and productive; not just physically, but emotionally, and spiritually as well. Nick and I have been wanting to get our food storage up to par, and now we are finally doing it. We also priced things for our garden: stakes, trellis for our beans, and also more seed. I know this blog doesn't have much to do about my 5k plan, but I feel it is important to let people know that we need to get our lives in order, and food storage plays a HUGE part in that.
So, on the menu today....... house work (boring) but then we are going to work in our front yard. Right now, the back yard needs WAY too much work and one day is not going to cut it. We have plans to put in some new flowers and some ground cover in between our blueberries. Also, start getting the porch ready to paint. I love trips to the store to buy palnt life, I just love life growing in my yard too. We need some more curb appeal. Adios!
So, I had to be there at 8:00 and Dasher's class was set to race at 8:20, and all Nick had to do was get himself ready. Aren't I the best wife ever? I really do try to make things run smoothly on his days off, and I try not to "nag" so much. In our nine years of marriage, I have found that if you just do your part without nagging, our men do get a clue and appreciate us when were gone. Okay, on with my day. TEN ROUNDS of the same songs, and marking tally's for the kids laps, I was exhausted. My head was hurting, my hands were aching from clapping so much, but I was done. I had just "volunteered" 8 hours of my beautiful sunny Friday, to my kids' school. I could've gone for a ride, or a run, or worked in my yard, but I chose to "give back" to McBride!! This is really a great school, and I proud to be a part of it. So many of the schools are failing right now with curriculum, funds and lack of support, but I know McBride is doing the best for our children right now. I am proud to have my kids go there, and I look forward to next year!!!
So, with my exercising. I counted the number of times I jogged with the kids and not mention the fun trip last night to Home Depot. I was super excited about that. We got this awesome shelf for our food storage, totes for food to go in, paint for our porch, and new rug for our front step, and Nick got this new screwdriver. It feels good to be prepared and productive; not just physically, but emotionally, and spiritually as well. Nick and I have been wanting to get our food storage up to par, and now we are finally doing it. We also priced things for our garden: stakes, trellis for our beans, and also more seed. I know this blog doesn't have much to do about my 5k plan, but I feel it is important to let people know that we need to get our lives in order, and food storage plays a HUGE part in that.
So, on the menu today....... house work (boring) but then we are going to work in our front yard. Right now, the back yard needs WAY too much work and one day is not going to cut it. We have plans to put in some new flowers and some ground cover in between our blueberries. Also, start getting the porch ready to paint. I love trips to the store to buy palnt life, I just love life growing in my yard too. We need some more curb appeal. Adios!
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Oy Vay!
How funny it is that day three of my event was Ca-Razy!! All, is well, we stuck to it though. I know, I know, this blog is later in the day, but yet again, Lucy was up WAY before she should've been. My food choices are just getting better and better and that silly "hungry" feeling is not as intense now. I am thinking that body already knew she was out of shape and is just jumping for joy that I am taking better care of her!!!!!! Whole wheat toast with apricot preserves is wonderful by the way, and the Dannon light and fit yogurt with 80 calories are yummo also. They are just the perfect amount too, not too much, not too little, just right.
So, I had asparagus yet again with my dinner last night. It is on sale right now, so I am taking advantage and it is so yummy just cooked in the oven at 415 for about 15 min. Just enough to keep its bite and flavor. So, my ride was good, but I am thinking I don't want to overdo it, so I pedaled at a more normal pace and covered a normal amount of terrority. I rode for 6 miles in 23 minutes and did yoga with my WII fit. It is not the same as a class, but I just saw in the paper a new studio offering classes at only $5. I am going to look into it, to see if the instructor knows what she is doing. So, other than that, my night was topped off with some lady friends at a haunted resturant for dessert to celebrate a birthday... good times. I love the support I am getting from kmy kids, hubby and friends...
So, I had asparagus yet again with my dinner last night. It is on sale right now, so I am taking advantage and it is so yummy just cooked in the oven at 415 for about 15 min. Just enough to keep its bite and flavor. So, my ride was good, but I am thinking I don't want to overdo it, so I pedaled at a more normal pace and covered a normal amount of terrority. I rode for 6 miles in 23 minutes and did yoga with my WII fit. It is not the same as a class, but I just saw in the paper a new studio offering classes at only $5. I am going to look into it, to see if the instructor knows what she is doing. So, other than that, my night was topped off with some lady friends at a haunted resturant for dessert to celebrate a birthday... good times. I love the support I am getting from kmy kids, hubby and friends...
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
It really does feel great!
So, first and foremost, I apologize for this blog being a little late. Lucy woke up before she was supposed too, and it just didn't get done. Nonetheless, here I am.
Okay, yesterday I did the run, and if felt great. It was a little misty outside, which I think made it easier to get the job done. I was going to go up to the track, but the hs was having track practice, and I am just not ready to show off my mad skills. Instead, I went over to one of our parks, and ran their nature trail. It was nice. This was the first time I had done it, so the scenery was fresh and new. I was thankful that I went. I started out by jogging then walking and did the whole trail. I am not sure exactly how long it was, but I still enjoyed it. At times there was mud, inclines, and just nice things to look at. I am also thankful to those who did have their dogs and were picking up the poop. I was a little frustrated because there is a leash law, but these dogs were just running with the wind, and at one time one was at my heels. USE A LEASH, next time I might not be as nice. Yeah, not an animal person.
So, this is day three. I am feeling good, and I feel that since I am doing most of workout outside, I won't get burned out like I usually do. So, today is yoga and a bike ride!!!!!
Okay, yesterday I did the run, and if felt great. It was a little misty outside, which I think made it easier to get the job done. I was going to go up to the track, but the hs was having track practice, and I am just not ready to show off my mad skills. Instead, I went over to one of our parks, and ran their nature trail. It was nice. This was the first time I had done it, so the scenery was fresh and new. I was thankful that I went. I started out by jogging then walking and did the whole trail. I am not sure exactly how long it was, but I still enjoyed it. At times there was mud, inclines, and just nice things to look at. I am also thankful to those who did have their dogs and were picking up the poop. I was a little frustrated because there is a leash law, but these dogs were just running with the wind, and at one time one was at my heels. USE A LEASH, next time I might not be as nice. Yeah, not an animal person.
So, this is day three. I am feeling good, and I feel that since I am doing most of workout outside, I won't get burned out like I usually do. So, today is yoga and a bike ride!!!!!
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
One day down
Yesterday, was a rather productive day. I felt I got a lot accomplished, and even had time to squeeze in a movie. I did, however forget that it was Monday, (family night) and that we were in charge, so when Nick got home, I was outta here. Instead of the jog I actually switched with today, and went for an awesome bike ride. I really love riding my bike, but I like it even more when I am pushing myself even harder. So, yesterday, I rode for 20 minutes, which doesn't seem like a lot of time, but you can cover a lot of ground, drum roll please...... 14 miles. I know, crazy! I love my like bike odometer, it measures distance, time and calories burned. I did ride for more than 20 minutes, because I was enjoying myself so much, that I forgot to look at the time. But not too much more, about 27 min. Anyway, I kept my food to good portions, and good choices too. I cleaned my house, folded FIVE loads of laundry ( I don't like doing laundry on the weekends) talked to my mom again-finalized their plans to coming out this way, and made dinner, had family night ugh that was exhausting, and finished the night watching, Chuck with Nick. It was a good day, and I am looking forward to today also.
So, here I am, 6:40 the next morning, and since my parents are coming in THREE weeks, it pushes me even more to feel that much better about myself. Thank you to all of my support from you ladies, I really do appreciate your comments.......Until tomorrow!
So, here I am, 6:40 the next morning, and since my parents are coming in THREE weeks, it pushes me even more to feel that much better about myself. Thank you to all of my support from you ladies, I really do appreciate your comments.......Until tomorrow!
Monday, March 1, 2010
Couch To 5k
A week ago, Nick's aunt posted this website entitled, Couch to 5k. It is a basic, easy plan, to get yourself OFF the couch, and ready to jog a 5k in 7 weeks. No tricks, just rebooting your body to get in shape. She says you will be able to "jog" a 5k, which means a light run that you are still able to hold a conversation while doing. So, I said to myself, "I can do this. I just found out, that I really do enjoy running, graceful or not." So, last week, with Nick working so much overtime, I was not able to get outside in the daytime. It is really hard to run and push that bulky jogger too. So, this week, sun or no sun, I am doing this. I will be posting each day, around this time 6:40 am what I plan to do for the day. Comment or not, this is mostly for me to keep track for myself my food, water and exercise. Don't worry, I am sure I will be able to find some humor is getting skinny.
I am still debating if I will post any pictures. To be honest, I am embarrassed about how heavy I have gotten. Even at 9 months pregnant, I know I never weighed this much. I have taken pics of myself, so I can document it, but I just don't know how brave I am to let anyone else see them. Who knows, maybe here in a little while I will just do.Go NIKE right?
Okay, so for day 1: one mile jog/ walk. This means you complete a mile by jogging for 2 min and then walking for 1 min and so on until one mile is completed. Then your done for the day. Well, I will still be walking my 4 miles too (with kids) but the jogging will come later(without kids) I also am going to try and find a different cardio session that I like better. The Biggest Loser is a good one, I just don't like it so much.
Okay followers.... say, "good-bye" to the fat girl, and lock your hubbies and boyfriends up, because soon, you will be saying, "hello" or "what the crap, Heidi, you look amazing" to the skinny and more confident, happier and sexier, mom, wife person I know run on sentence that could just keep running on!!!!!!
I am still debating if I will post any pictures. To be honest, I am embarrassed about how heavy I have gotten. Even at 9 months pregnant, I know I never weighed this much. I have taken pics of myself, so I can document it, but I just don't know how brave I am to let anyone else see them. Who knows, maybe here in a little while I will just do.Go NIKE right?
Okay, so for day 1: one mile jog/ walk. This means you complete a mile by jogging for 2 min and then walking for 1 min and so on until one mile is completed. Then your done for the day. Well, I will still be walking my 4 miles too (with kids) but the jogging will come later(without kids) I also am going to try and find a different cardio session that I like better. The Biggest Loser is a good one, I just don't like it so much.
Okay followers.... say, "good-bye" to the fat girl, and lock your hubbies and boyfriends up, because soon, you will be saying, "hello" or "what the crap, Heidi, you look amazing" to the skinny and more confident, happier and sexier, mom, wife person I know run on sentence that could just keep running on!!!!!!
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